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How Jametec Helps You Win Government Contracts


We help you navigate the complicated government procurement process. We find that the majority of “small dollar” ($10,000 to $100,000) go under-bid for the following reasons:


    1. Eligible Companies Are Unaware There Is A Tender To Bid On – This information is found on government websites (federal and provincial) that are not easily searchable and third parties charge a monthly fee to alert you. Jametec directly notifies clients of potential contracts after having human eyes evaluate with your complex requirements (e.g. minimum 2 week notice, locations).
    2. No Time – Bidding on a public sector contract is not as simple as e-mailing a link to an item. It takes time to manage the bidding strategy, register as a supplier, as well as write the actual proposal to the government. Without the expertise, it’s easy for these tasks to be put off until the end of the work day or weekend, which leads us to…
    3. Non-Compliant Bids – Writing a proposal requires extreme attention to detail, if you miss one line, you could be disqualified and all your hard work will be for nought. Public sector contracts work on points to “even the playing field” and assure the government fulfills the tender as best as possible. Failing to attach a warranty statement or state the company’s address can result in a bid being disqualified even if you have the best price.


    When you retain our services, within 24 hours we begin analyzing documents and publicly available information to amalgamate your bid. We contact the procurement officers to specify technicalities, review public policies and perform detailed analysis to help you put your best point-maximizing foot forward and increase your chances of winning the contract. We do all this so you don’t have to and can focus on running your business.


    We have two types of clients: retainer clients where we work with them monthly and assure their company maintains its position on qualified supplier lists as well as write individual proposals for potential government contracts. The second type of clients are for stand-alone government proposals for non-retainer clients. We only accept one retainer client per industry/service area and do not write competing proposals for existing retainer clients at this time.